A little recap of my last 23 days.Tears at Tullamarine, no sleep for 32 hours and I'm in The Big Apple. Wake to the sound of car horns and people screaming at eachother… ahhh New York. Ran the Williamsburg Bridge each morning. Marcy Ave, 99c pizza a…

A little recap of my last 23 days.

Tears at Tullamarine, no sleep for 32 hours and I'm in The Big Apple. Wake to the sound of car horns and people screaming at eachother… ahhh New York. Ran the Williamsburg Bridge each morning. Marcy Ave, 99c pizza and my favourite place to shoot, a grimy, lovely place, where the poor are at home and everyone else seemed scared to stop. Times Square was boring... sorry. Walked across East, West and South Bronx… felt at home. Kids sitting on back wheels forever (sup Hunter). Stick ball in the side alleys, was the best. I met some REAL people… Swaguu, Marty, Harry, Musclehead and Niamh, keep the Bronx strong! Pepper sprayed in Chinatown, went home blind, but was back out on the street within an hour. Harlem was special, so alive, so inspiring. Rucker Park, 15 year old Shayne felt proud. Fulton Street, Brooklyn… thank you, I could have shot outside Frankfurters forever. New York nights were exhausting, I lived for Tofubox and Facetime with Oscar and Jodie. Picked up my beast (Ford Festiva), driving out of New York was insanity, thank god for audiobooks. Washington delivered the goods… Anacostia, Barry Farms, Washington Heights and Noma, were my spots… only because people said 'don't go there'… even though none of them had been there. James Jones a multi-generation Anacostian, gave me a beautiful history lesson. His entire family live within blocks from his home and he lives next door to his ex wife (Trump buy this dude a new wheelchair)! Got drunk with my sister in law and rode electric scooters with Jo. Baltimore was rough, but real. They said stick to the harbour… but I didn't, I went out East and West… sorry Jodie. Everyone was cool, murder was the main topic of conversation. Broke my camera, so had to shoot strictly film for a day… a blessing in disguise. Cheryl laughed at me for taking a photo of a beatup Winnebago, we drank Dominican wine, she showed me her collection of weed strains, while nephew ran circles around me, screaming "crikey"! I went to Bazaar and purchased a baby face with a tentacle hanging out its mouth… I know Jodie will make me put it in the studio. My Philly stay was too short… but I loved it the most. West Philly is dope, but I could stay in North Philly forever. Hunting Park, Strawberry Mansion (the neighbourhood), Alleghany West, Tioga-Nicetown, Fairhill and Kensington were my favourites. The wrap up session with West Philly local, Derwin, on my last day was nice. Newark was short, but cool. I thank my days on the street for keeping me strong and connected out here. Respect where you are at and respect will come back to you. The advice I got from back home was 'don't get shot'… and I didn't get shot. I'm exhausted (in every kind of way), I haven't shaved for 23 days, but the book is looking… damn good. Now, it's time to put my camera down… and hug Jodie and Oscar, for a while 🙂.